
Archive for August, 2013

This last weeks we, together with Isak, we’ve been experiencing amazing, beautiful feelings.  Everything because of the people that has come across our way with Fran Bow.
Is really beautiful to see almost everyday a new video up on Youtube, or a “fran-tastic Fan art” , even we got a song! All that love we already receiving because of Fran Bow… is just incredible!!!

(This fan art was made by Sara, thank you!!!)

(And the song by Salima! She wrote her own lyrics!!!)

And we felt, like giving something back. That is why we made a pretty huge improvement in the alpha DEMO.
First of all, now has Isak a very short summer vacation and he uses all his free time in fixing the demo, so I have to thank him forever! After this short vacation he will be back in the ordinary work that he hates so much.
But it also shows that if we were working on the game full time, the project would be done very soon.

Anyways, about the Indiegogo campaing, I have to thank a lot to the youtubers, because of them Fran Bow have reached to a bigger audience. But the sad part is also that even for us, the quantity is not important, but quality, is now quantity that matters. We have reached out more, with the help of everybody… and we really don’t know what else to do to reach out more. I know the public is out there, but is hard to find them.

So this is kind of a public message to tell, to who ever read this that :D!!

Maybe the plot of Fran Bow is not that original, or maybe that the mechanics are not that original or what ever, it is a point and click after all! but we do know that this game has a heart and a peculiar beauty that is awaiting for you to find.
Of course there is no game that suits everybody… but I really wishes you just give it a try, the demo is there ready to be played and be loved.. 😀  or hated… 😦

And going back to the DEMO UPDATE topic, well… we made also the demo available for the Android!!! We do not recommend it for very tiny screens  or very old phones either.
In the demo we have really improved the feelings of the bloody world, we also put some new animations to Fran Bow so you can learn more about her. Also more interaction with the ghost on the bloody part and some new sound effects, is pretty much different in the whole experience.
But still just an alpha demo and is not representing the finished product!

Thank you again for everything!!!

We made super nice updates also on the perks!! *_* Like the Full documentary of Making Fran Bow , Mr midnight doll and t- shirts!

Don’t forget to spread the word and help us to make this possible! ❤ http://igg.me/at/franbow/x/3685638



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